Obituary of Mr. J. Duldig

Mr Johann Duldig, one of the pioneers of the Pieters Hill District, adjacent to Riverton, died on April 23. The deceased was born in 1825 at Tauer, Prussia, and with his wife arrived in South Australia on January 28, 1856. Within a few weeks of landing he settled among his countrymen at Pieters Hill, and remained there for the rest of his life.

He became a foundation officer and lifelong member of the Lutheran Church in the German settlement nestling beneath the Barossa Ranges, and was a fine type of citizen. Mr. Duldig was one of the few remaining soldiers of his homeland who at the request of the Prussian Government shouldered arm and took part in the great revolution on 1848, and assisted in keeping order. He was afterwards engaged in the assault on the fortifications of Dieppe.

The deceased has left a widow, who is 80 years old, and three sons – Messrs. F. Duldig (Baldina) Gustav Duldig (Pieters Hill), and H. Duldig (Adelaide) There are 29 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. 4.5.1912

Excerpt from the Observer on the Death of Fredrich Duldig (PDF)